2023 - a patch odyssey

11 Oct 2024

All the way back in May, I had the pleasure and priviledge of presenting at the UK’s premier (and who am I kidding, only…) Mac admin conference, Macaduk

This marks two years on the bounce presenting at Macaduk. (I know - I’m as surprised as you are…)

So why am I writing this now? Well… the marketing team at Jigsaw24 have been drip feeding the conference videos on their YouTube channel over the last few months, with a cadence of a video (or two) a week.

This is my week!

I mean, if you’re not one for videos, the tl:dr is that it’s a presentation about moving from zero - to proper OS patch management and what that looked like at Thoughtworks

And lots of it powered by open source community provided tools…

We used Nudge, and Munki, delivered by SimpleMDM, (which also provided the Apple MDM update commands) plus a little bit of magic…

Then in terms of measuring our successess (and failures) we used Google’s Looker Studio to build data visualisation dashboards.

Hit tip at this point to my colleagues Jency and Sumit - who did awesome work to build the Looker Studio dashboards that helped us to drive decisions about deployment, and in showing what was working and what really really wasn’t - and also to let me stand on a stage in front of big and impressive looking graphs like Lord Business.

And of course, thank you to my colleague Viju - who provided the organisation and vision to take my “small experiment on some projects in the UK” and turn it into a properly planned global rollout.

I also have to thank Viju for sowing the seeds of the lean experiment, which is really what the talk is all about. I remember saying to her “this’ll make a great conference talk…” - I dunno about the great - but it’s certainly a conference talk!

Likewise, props to Thoughtworker Effy Eldon and (now ex-Thoughtworker) James Green - who braved reading sourcecode to (spoilers) save the day… (watch the video to find out how…)

Published on 11 Oct 2024 Find me on Twitter and Mastodon.