Keep on running...

15 Sep 2024

So. Here I am on sabbatical part two… (Thoughtworks offer 12 weeks in total, and it can be taken in two blocks of 6 weeks. So this is block two…)

And I’m already three weeks into the six. Where does the time go?

Anyway - what to do with the time off?

I can’t really use it for a holiday, as my wife has work and my son is at school… but what it does allow is scope for you to try new things, and really vary your routine… and indeed, try to start new habits and ways of behaving.

But why Couch to 5K?

Partly as I’d threatened to do it as part of New Year’s resolutions years ago… but mainly because …on our road trip adventure this year - I learned my friend Kim was hard at work on Couch to 5K - and this was the kick I needed to finally start myself… years after actually buying some trainers and being all keen.

In terms of new behaviours and habits Couch to 5K is the only one that’s sticking… my plan to pick up the banjo again, and continue studying for the Google Cloud Architect exam have fallen by the wayside… (although I’ve still got a few weeks left…)

Week 1

The first run went surprisingly well. Hah! I’m not as unfit as I thought! And then I spent a couple of days limping around the house unable to move. In my defence, the bulk of the pain was in my right calf… which had been giving me grief already… as that was my throttle leg/foot for a 2000 mile round trip to Poland by 2cv. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

Couch to 5K advises a day’s rest between runs. My one day gap was more like a five day gap. But the challenge isn’t just starting a new thing, it’s sticking at the new thing. The real challenge was returning for run number two. And I did it, and I’ve been running one day on, one day off, ever since. Even making myself leave the house before 7am on a couple of occasions (really - who even am I these days???)

And that’s how I’m most of the way through week three already. I think I may be doing it wrong and that I’m supposed to do three runs a week each week - with weekends off. But - whatever works for you…

…plus if next week’s road trip goes to plan, I’ll be far too busy to run until next weekend…

ancient history

I don’t do running. Apart from a year or two at primary school where all of a sudden I was one of the fastest sprinters in my year… running is not my thing. I was also an asthmatic child sometimes too - and it’s the memory of almost collapsing unable to breathe (although that sounds a bit dramatic… I’m probably over egging that one) after running 800 metres, or heaven forbid… the dreaded 1500 metres.

Given the choice, I’m happier on a bicycle. And indeed, used to cycle to and from the office (remember those) managing 100 miles a week… about a decade ago.

And now?

But, in a work from home never leave the house world, I know I’m not getting enough exercise. And by spending 30 minutes running, three days a week - I can finally catch up on my podcast backlog. And justify owning an Apple Watch.

I’m not sure how I’m feeling about being “a runner” - sharing my mornings with the other jogging folks.

To be honest, as the weather gets colder, and I find myself back at work, I’m not sure I’ll stick with it. We’ll see. I mean… if I get it posted on a blog, I have to keep you all updated. Don’t I?

Whatever next? Parkruns? The Hackney Half Marathon? (I kinda hope not… but, er, baby steps I suppose…)

Published on 15 Sep 2024 Find me on Twitter and Mastodon.