Little bits of Newham?

07 Nov 2023

You know, I’m not really sure what this blog is for. It was created partly to learn a little about Jekyll and static site generators in general, and partly because my fellow cat herders at London Apple Admins all had blogs and I had feelings I was missing out.

I try to update it if I’ve done something interesting - like presenting at a meetup or conference… but that doesn’t happen too often.

I was documenting my Capital Ring walk… but that’s tailed off with just a few sections to go - although there are sections I’ve walked that I never finished a blog post about. Yup - blogs are hard work…

But all things considered I seem to spend as much or more time keeping this blog working, as I do updating it.

But I thought it might be fun to write a few posts about my adopted home, the London Borough of Newham. It’s not a glamorous place, but there are lots of little things that I love about living here.

I don’t think I’m going to manage 150 things (now THAT was a wonderful series of posts) but setting myself a target of writing some shorter posts more frequently seems achievable.

Step one - get THIS posted.

Step two - actually write some posts.

Step three… profit?

Published on 07 Nov 2023 Find me on Twitter and Mastodon.